Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We've moved on to a new game and for most of us, we spent today preparing to learn our second game next week by becoming familiar with new game pieces and their characteristics.

DIV I: We learned the colors and nomenclature of the shapes of the different blocks used in HEX-A-GON. We have a yellow hexagon, blue rhombus, brown rhombus, green triangle, orange square, and red trapezoid. We talked about the block characteristics, their proper placement when played (must share one common edge with other shapes), and how to create one type of block using smaller blocks together (for instance, two green triangles placed back-to-back will build a blue rhombus). We created our own designs and had our friends copy them and we also tried to cover a pre-printed designs using the blocks to get familiar with how to fill a space.

DIV II: We learned about attributes and specifically the ones used in our game PAR 55: COLOR, SHAPE, SIZE, and THICKNESS (CSST). We practiced describing the game pieces using CSST and then we made one-way, two-way, and three-way trains with our BANK of pieces. For example: if our train engine was a yellow triangle, large and thin we tried to find a yellow triangle that was large and thick to add to our one-way train; a yellow triangle, small and thick to add to our 2-way train, and then finally a yellow square that was small and thick to add onto our three-way train. This is fun math!

DIV III: Getting ready to play FAB-A-DIFFY next week, we reviewed lots of fractions, how to make fraction equations, and how to determine fraction equivalents. We also played a few fun games like fraction concentration!

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