Thursday, February 26, 2009

WEEK 21: 2/24

DIV I: Game lessons are over! Today the kids played all the games one-on-one Earthquake style. This was a fun refresher before they have a mini-tournament during class to prepare for their tournament on March 28th.

DIV II: Sum Dominoes & Dice rules were explained today and the students had the chance to practice the game. Ask your son or daughter what it means to REACT, ROLL, REACT, and DRAW.

DIV III: Fourth and fifth grade students began learning their final game today: Kings & Guards.

Monday, February 23, 2009

THURS Feb 26, 6:30 PM: Tournament Volunteer Training

NO Math Club MARCH 3rd

The school will be closed for extracurricular activities due to TAKS testing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WEEK 20: 2/17

DIV I: Kinder and first grade students finished learning their final game, Star Track.

DIV II: Second and third grade students played a game to help them recognize how to find two domino ends that added together equal the sum of three dice rolled. Roll, react, draw. These steps, and correct domino placement, are the founding steps of our final game, "Sum Dominoes & Dice."

DIV III: Fourth & fifth grade students enjoyed EARTHQUAKE game play with one-on-one practice of all the games they have learned thus far.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

WEEK 19: 2/10

DIV I: First lesson in their final game, "Star Track." This game has students pick two strands of links, count them, and choose which one they want to use for moving their pawn forward. There are advantages to determining a good move based on the number of links in the strands. For instance, if you end up on a star you have to move your pawn back on the game board to the previous star.

DIV II: Earthquake game play day with one-on-one play between students for all four games learned so far.

DIV III: Final week on Stars & Bars!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tournament News

Over 100 students from Fern Bluff Elementary have registered for the National Math Pentathlon Tournaments!

Tournament Supervisors & Game Assignments

Yesterday tournament supervisors were emailed their game assignments and the rules for that game. Come to Fun Fridays on Feb 6th or March 6th to practice hands-on! Volunteer training is on Thursday, February 26th at 6:30 PM. If you are a tournament supervisor and did not get an email from the Math Club, email us at

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

WEEK 18: 2/3

DIVISION I students played the popular EARTHQUAKE game today. This is where all the games they have learned so far are put out and the kids play each other one-on-one. Randomly, the coach will call EARTHQUAKE and the kids will move to a different game (currently in progress) and play against a new opponent. Their goal is to try to pick up on the previous students' strategy to continue and/or win the game.

DIVISION II students completed their final week learning and playing RAMROD by working through some strategies for making captures and recognizing when their opponents are trying to set up captures so they can be prepared to defend against those moves.

DIVISION II students continue to make progress on the game, STARS & BARS. This is the most challenging game of their division.